- Be completely potty trained and able to take care of his/her own bathroom needs
- Be able to listen to a short story
- Be able to follow directions
- Be able to verbalize needs
You can help your child be additionally prepared by:
- READING to them
- Encouraging them to hold a pencil with the tips of their fingers and form letters correctly. Remind them that letters start at the top. As they learn to write their name please help them use an upper case letter for the first letter and lower case letters for the rest. Encouraging good habits from the beginning is much easier that trying to re-teach later. Praise them for their efforts and know it is normal for children to write letters backwards, upside down, and in random orders as they are learning.
- READING to them
- Practice using the bathroom without assistance
- READING to them
During the year we will learn to:
- enjoy the learning process as we explore many different themes
- follow school rules (Be Nice, Be Clean, Be Safe)
- interact cooperatively with others
- sing and move to music
- hold a pencil and copy letters and basic shapes
- recognize many of the alphabet letters and the sounds they make
- recognize numbers 0-10 and count objects
- use scissors
- use glue
- identify basic shapes and colors
and much, much more